
The Truth About Accessible Short Term Rentals


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By Jennifer Allen of Wonders Within Reach

If you’ve spent any time traveling and staying in short term rentals, you’ve probably experienced some hiccups. We are fortunate enough to travel multiple times a year. We almost always book accommodations labeled as accessible, and yet I can count on one hand the amount of times we’ve stayed in a short term rental that was truly barrier free.

We’ve booked a beautiful home with an elevator, but there was no . . .

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Becoming rentABLE
Becoming rentABLEhttps://www.becomingrentable.com/
Becoming rentABLE is a listing platform of accessible STR properties in the U.S. and Canada. We understand the struggle people with disabilities have had trying to find truly accessible short-term rentals in the industry. Without any direct competitors, Becoming rentABLE is alleviating renters’ pain points by providing a dedicated accessible property platform with choices in the form of 43 filters. Not only do we focus on individuals with mobility needs (wheelchair, walker, canes, crutches) but we are also expanding to include cognitive, hearing, sight and the aging community. Beyond those audiences, we are also reaching the short-term rental industry as a whole, property managers and hosts, businesses through their DEI efforts, State Travel and Tourism department and local Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVB). We are uniquely positioned in the market as the only accessible resource while focusing on educating about accessibility and growing the listing of accessible properties. Becoming rentABLE is a limited liability company (LLC) that began early 2021. In the coming year we are aiming to grow our brand awareness, expand our certification offerings to include all of our areas of focus: mobility, cognitive, hearing, sight and aging, as well as grow important partnerships in the industry. Mission - to expand the scope and inventory of accessible short-term rentals while educating how accessibility impacts everyone. Vision - to be the trusted brand and comprehensive resource for accessibility in the short-term rental industry. Creating a community that embraces inclusivity through education and support.
Becoming rentABLE
Becoming rentABLEhttps://www.becomingrentable.com/
Becoming rentABLE is a listing platform of accessible STR properties in the U.S. and Canada. We understand the struggle people with disabilities have had trying to find truly accessible short-term rentals in the industry. Without any direct competitors, Becoming rentABLE is alleviating renters’ pain points by providing a dedicated accessible property platform with choices in the form of 43 filters. Not only do we focus on individuals with mobility needs (wheelchair, walker, canes, crutches) but we are also expanding to include cognitive, hearing, sight and the aging community. Beyond those audiences, we are also reaching the short-term rental industry as a whole, property managers and hosts, businesses through their DEI efforts, State Travel and Tourism department and local Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVB). We are uniquely positioned in the market as the only accessible resource while focusing on educating about accessibility and growing the listing of accessible properties. Becoming rentABLE is a limited liability company (LLC) that began early 2021. In the coming year we are aiming to grow our brand awareness, expand our certification offerings to include all of our areas of focus: mobility, cognitive, hearing, sight and aging, as well as grow important partnerships in the industry. Mission - to expand the scope and inventory of accessible short-term rentals while educating how accessibility impacts everyone. Vision - to be the trusted brand and comprehensive resource for accessibility in the short-term rental industry. Creating a community that embraces inclusivity through education and support.

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