
Make Your Vacation Rentals More Eco-Friendly: 8 Simple Tips

Make Your Vacation Rentals More Eco-Friendly: 8 Simple Tips  As a property manager, you’re always seeking ways to stand out from the competition. As today’s...

Sustainable listing badges increase short-term rental occupancy – but have property managers realised?

With global warming gradually becoming a hotter topic – pardon the pun – focus is intensifying on the impacts and responsibilities of specific industries....

Smart Thermostats: How to Lower Your Heating Bills 22%

With energy prices soaring across Europe, more and more hosts are increasinglylooking for ways to manage the rising cost of energy and to reduce...

The Home That We All Share

Celebrating Earth Day and the power of sharing economy as a way towards a more sustainable future.

Making Travel More Sustainable

This Earth Day, we’re sharing our vision for greener travel. Helping you save energy is the first step.