We help travellers rebalance climate impacts
We created Stay Green because, like you, we love travel.
Whether you are an individual who travels, or a travel-related company, we’re all about making it easier for you to understand and rebalance your environmental impacts.
Enabling everyone to readdress their travel carbon footprint won’t be easy or quick, but believe that travel can be a force for good. By helping to change habits as well as promoting technology based solutions, our ultimate goal is to one day make the need for Stay Green redundant.
Different, and effective
As Stay Green’s founders also operate in the guest accommodation sector, we want to start to reverse the environmental damage travel can cause, and to inspire positive change. There’s no single solution, and we think about ‘offsetting’ in much broader terms than just carbon.
We contribute to a range of projects – including but not limited to offsetting carbon emissions – that effectively counteract and rebalance the resource use and impacts of your travel.
Our approach is genuinely different to other carbon offset programmes. We’re as committed to changing habits and the types of cleaning and other products used by the industry, as we are to supporting projects using better energy generation technologies, and initiatives helping people in less developed countries.