
Smart Thermostats: How to Lower Your Heating Bills 22%


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With energy prices soaring across Europe, more and more hosts are increasinglylooking for ways to manage the rising cost of energy and to reduce their consumption.Smart Thermostats save an average of 22% on heating cost through various tips andtricks, and tado° Energy IQ empowers more individuals to become proactive energymanagers, right from their smartphone.tado°’s Energy IQ feature allows hosts to receive predictions on next month’s energybill, and compare the cost against previous months and previous years. Available tohomes with tado° Smart Thermostats or even just those with tado° Smart RadiatorThermostats, Energy IQ can start giving . . .

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tado° – intelligent climate management Heating and cooling buildings is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions. Around a third of all global energy consumption goes into the heating and cooling of buildings. We are changing this.
tado° – intelligent climate management Heating and cooling buildings is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions. Around a third of all global energy consumption goes into the heating and cooling of buildings. We are changing this.

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